March 23 , 2024
Members Present
Pastor Guptill
Bonnie Barteaux
Joel Crosby
Busola Adeniji
Val Lewis
Regrets: Bruce Barteaux, Rob McDowell
These are not the minutes nor the minutia of the meeting, simply the highlights. For more info you can contact Denn or any of the team.
Pastor's Report
Denn reported on his various activities since our last meeting.
A number of new families who have started attending both sites were mentioned.
Pastor Rob brought updates from our Windgate Campus.
Reports were presented from Pastor Stefan and Pastor Marilyn.
Meeting Highlights
Annual General Meeting The date was set for this years AGM as May 13th, at 7:00 p.m. at our Windgate Campus.
Korean Presbyterian Church. The lease agreement for the KPC was reviewed and approved. They will be charged 300.00 a week to use the building on Saturdays from 6:00 a.m.- to 8:00 a.m. and Sundays from 1:30 pm-6:00 p.m.
Membership: It was Laruene Nason was accepted into membership.
Parsonage: Denn presented thoughts on building a parsonage on the Gatehouse property. This is in response to the hight cost of housing and how that will impact future pastoral possibilities. It was agreed by consensus that Denn could look into the possibilities and costs.
Denn’s Pastoral Review: At 10:00 a.m., Rev. Peter Moore (District Superintendent) joined us in person, and Bruce joined us online for Denn's 4-year pastoral review. Rev. Moore presented the very positive assessment results, Denn was dismissed and the LBA (local board of administration) voted to extend Denn's call for another four years. Denn was called back and the results were shared with him. He expressed his appreciation for their confidence and partnership.
Next Meeting:
Our next meeting will be the AGM on May 13th.
Upcoming Events
The Great “I Hate Winter” Beach Party is scheduled for February 3, 2024.
Denn's Schedule
District Board of Administration meeting April 17 & 18
Beulah Camp July 5-15
Vacation August 6-20
Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer's reports were reviewed and approved.
Leadership Team
Denn Guptill
Pastor/ Chair
Bruce Barteaux
Rob McDowell
Site Pastor
Bonnie Barteaux
Val Lewis
Member at Large
Joel Crosby
Member at Large
Busola Adeniji
Member at Large