(Ages 3 and under)
Quality childcare is provided during all our Sunday morning services. Our nursery is located in an open and clean environment that includes many toys.
Cornerstone Kids:
(Sunday morning Children's program)
Our Children’s Ministry is both fun and educational. Incorporating hands-on learning, its aim is to communicate basic biblical truths to kids today.
Age groups include…
Children’s Church (ages 3-5)
Junior Church (Grades 1-4)
Ignite (Grades 5 & 6)
Cornerstone Youth:

Cornerstone Youth is designed to meet the unique needs of students in grades 7 through 12. We are committed to helping teens discover who they are in God’s eyes and providing for them opportunities to grow in their understanding of who God has made them to be.
The goals of Cornerstone Youth are:
* To lead students into a stable personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
* To expose students to a variety of ministry opportunities where they can develop their gifts and talents.
* To influence our communities for Christ through outreach, service projects, and social action.
Cornerstone Ladies:
This is an active group within Cornerstone which includes Bible studies, district and local retreats, guest speakers, and a variety of activities.
Cornerstone Men:
In addition to our early Tuesday morning Life Group, we schedule events throughout the year for men to get together to have a good time while being challenged to be leaders in our families, communities, and church.
Worship Arts Ministry:
Worship arts exist to lead the people of Cornerstone in glorifying God through corporate praise and worship. We consider the arts to be vital to the life of the church and to the growth of individuals in Christ. Our desire is to unite authentic worship with quality arts for maximum impact.
Cornerstone in Action:
C.I.A. (Cornerstone In Action) is the mission arm of Cornerstone Church.
C.I.A. gives the people of Cornerstone the opportunity to express the love of God to those in our community, city, and world.
We work with both local and global organizations.
Life Groups:
Various Life Groups meet in the community between September and June to help our people connect with each other and learn more about their faith in a friendly non-threatening environment.